Past Shows
Listen to recordings from past shows aired on WDIY.
The Divorce Dance
Laurie Siebert, CPA, CFP®, AEP® discusses: “Protecting your money, managing your emotions, and understanding the legal issues of divorce.” Due to technical problems, Laurie’s discussion with guest Stan Corey, Author of The Divorce Dance will be rescheduled to another date.
Required Minimum Distributions
Laurie Siebert, CPA, CFP®, AEP® discusses: “Required Minimum Distributions – understanding the concept and requirements”
‘Back to School’
Laurie Siebert, CPA, CFP®, AEP® discusses: “Back to school – the to do list for you and your kids”
Listener Questions
Laurie Siebert, CPA, CFP®, AEP® devotes the entire show to Listeners’ Questions!
Supporting Local Businesses
Laurie Siebert, CPA, CFP®, AEP® discusses: “The financial impact of supporting local businesses”
Laurie Siebert, CPA, CFP®, AEP® discusses: “IRAs and ROTH IRAs – the power behind them”
Employer Retirement Plans
Laurie Siebert, CPA, CFP®, AEP® discusses: “Understanding employer retirement plans and your options”
Family Financial Conversations
Laurie Siebert, CPA, CFP®, AEP® discusses: “Strategies and ideas for having financial conversations with family, and why it is important”
Financial Choices in Life Transitions
Laurie Siebert, CPA, CFP®, AEP® discusses: “Financial considerations in periods of transition – life changes, jobs, retirement”
Take-Aways From Past Shows
Laurie Siebert, CPA, CFP®, AEP® will discuss: “Take-aways from past shows”– a review of some of the most important financial topics from the past year.